Tower, 300 mm (color version)
"The Tower" is a classic and popular board game for the family, as well as parties and parties. Tower dimensions: 75 x 75 x 300 mm . This is the color version of Tornim. The set also includes a rolling die, which determines which color block the player will have to pull.
Players take turns to remove rectangular blocks one at a time from a tower built from such blocks. Each block, after being removed from the tower, must be placed on top of the tower. Over time, the tower becomes especially unstable and only the most careful and patient will win. The task is to keep the tower from falling during your turn.
Age: from 6 years.
Duration: 10 min
Number of players: 2 - 6
Language of the rules: DE, GB, FR, ES, IT, NL, DK, SE, PL, RU