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Ticket to Ride: France & Old West (Extension)

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46,55 € galda spēļu kluba biedriem un 2,33 € uzkrājums
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SKU DOW#720128

"Ticket to Ride: France & Old West" expansion of the popular "Ticket to Ride" board game. "Ticket to Ride" is a popular family board game. Each player represents their own train network, with which they try to connect the cities indicated on each of their train tickets. But be careful, because train tracks are what they are. Some paths are very narrow and sometimes only one player will reach their destination using the most advantageous path.

On the French side of the map, 2-5 players will cover train cards and build roads to complete the ticket, but mostly all roads on the map are colorless!

Each time the wagon cards come up, you will also need to choose one of the many colored tracks 2-5 spaces in size and strategically place it on the card. Now that road can only be built in the same color as the laid rails.

But be careful, because some tracks intersect and if one of the players places a track of any color that intersects with another road that does not yet have a track, then this section covered by the colored track will no longer be usable and you will have to find a detour.

On the Old West side of the field, 2-6 players will be able to play the game. The game will start by choosing a starting point. Each player will receive 3 cities and place one anywhere on the map at the start of the game. This will be the player's starting point and only from there on will be able to build routes.

When a player builds one of the roads, he/she has the option to choose to place one of his/her cities at the end point. At any time, if another player connects a road with a point where your city is located, you will get points for that section, not the track builder.

Whoever has completed the most tickets will get an additional 15 points.

Alternatively, you can play the Old West version with Alvin the Alien. Neither player may start the game in Roswell and the first to build up to that city gets 10 points and can take Alvin and place him in one of their cities. The next player who builds up to Alvin gets 10 points and can move Alvin again. At the end of the game, the player who has Alvin left in the city will get 10 more points!

Age: from 8 years.

Duration: 60 min

Number of players: 2 - 6

Language of the rules: EN

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Vitālijs Kižlo

Ticket to Ride: France & Old West (paplašinājums)

Spriedze par uzvaru

Atšķirībā no Eiropas spēle ir daudz neparedzamāka. Francijas variants rada spriedzi. Turpretī Old West nedaudz atgādina Katanu, jo tur ir jāsāk no vienas vietas, nevar būvēt jebkur. Mēs spēlējam ar stacijām, tad spriedze mazinās abos variantos, bet noteikumi to neparedz. Mums patīk labāk Old West, bet abi varianti ir forši. Labs atsvaidzinājums, kad visi maršruti jau zināmi pamatspēlē.

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