Pandemic Legacy: Season 1
Pandemic Legacy is a popular cooperative strategy board game. Based on Pandemic, a new adventure that takes board games to a new level. This is a board game that is personalized, starting each round with the situation of the previous round. Players name their characters, glue stickers, personalize the map and do other actions that make you feel like you are in a real story - there will be no other game like you anywhere in the world.
A pandemic has taken over the world and you and your team of friends are the only ones who can stop it. All players are a team of scientists who are looking for cures for various diseases that are spreading around the world. Either everyone wins or everyone loses and the world is infected.
The playing field is a World Map with the places with the highest population. In each turn, the player can do up to 4 actions - travel from one city to another, take care of a group of infected people, discover a new medicine or build a laboratory. Card kava gives players these abilities, but next to that kava is Epidemic kava, which creates new challenges, boosts and speeds up infections. Each has its own unique role with its own unique abilities. Players can only win the game by working together as a team.
Age: from 12 years.
Duration: 60 min
Number of players: 2-4
Language of the rules: EN