A pandemic has taken over the world and you and your team of friends are the only ones who can stop it! All players are a team of scientists who are looking for cures for various diseases that are spreading around the world. It's either everyone wins or everyone loses when disease takes over the world.
In the game "Pandemic", four dangerous viruses have broken out in the world at the same time. Players take on the role of infection-fighting specialists and their mission is to deal with outbreaks of plague while trying to find a cure for all diseases to prevent them from spiraling out of control. The playing field represents many of the major disease epicenters on Earth. Each turn, the player can take four actions to travel from town to town, treat the sick, discover medicine, or build research stations. If one of the diseases overwhelms the chance to recover from it or too much time is wasted, the players lose. Card kava provides different options for players, but next to it is epidemic kava, which creates new challenges, strengthens and accelerates infections. Each has its own unique role with its own unique abilities. Players can only win the game by working together as a team.