Living Forest
Save the forest and its Sacred Tree from Onibi's terrible flames in this best strategy game of 2022.
The game won the prestigious "Kennerspiel des Jahres 2022" award!
Game review here .
In Living Forest, you play as a nature spirit trying to save the forest and its Sacred Tree from Onibi's flames. In each turn, you will get new cards with forest defenders who will help you achieve your goal. This can be done in three ways: by planting 12 protective trees, collecting 12 sacred flowers to awaken the great forest guardian Sanki, or extinguishing 12 flames to banish the Onibi forever.
Game Overview / Gameplay
Each round has 3 phases:
- Summoning Defenders (players play simultaneously): Players take turns picking up and revealing defender cards from their personal stock piles.
- Taking Actions: Players take 2 different actions one at a time (plant protective trees, attract additional defenders, put out flames, etc.).
- End of Walk : The Onibi attacks the players and the Sacred Tree, and new defenders arrive.
The game ends when one player has managed to get at least 12 protective trees OR 12 flames OR 12 sacred flowers.