Geek Out! 80s Edition
Game club price:
14,73 €
0,74 €
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Original price
0,00 €
Original price
0,00 €
Original price
0,00 €
15,50 €
15,50 €
15,50 €
Current price
15,50 €
SKU VRD#2805
A nostalgic party game that will allow you to find out which of the players knows the 1980s the most.
A card with different categories of questions will be drawn and a die will be rolled to determine which category should be considered. If the player can name the required number in the required number, then the other players can "promise" to name more. The player who has "promised" to name the most gets the chance to prove his knowledge. If successful, that player moves their dice one space on the scoring field.
The player who reaches the finish line first wins.
Age: from the age of 13
Duration: 30 min
Number of players: 2 - 99
Language of the rules: ENG