Game of Trains
Engaging the brain in a visually entertaining way.
Game of Trains is an exciting card game for game night or family vacations.
Who will be the first to arrange the carriages of their train in the correct order? Rearrange your wagons from descending to ascending order, but be careful - opponents can get in the way! Replace, move, swap and protect your cards to find the right order. At the same time, prevent other players from arranging their trains. This small-sized family card game can be learned in five and played in twenty minutes.
In front of each player is a train consisting of a locomotive and seven cars arranged in descending order. During their turn, a player can either take a new wagon to replace one of the existing ones, or use a card special ability to change the order of their wagons or even remove wagons from other players' trains. The first player to arrange the cars of his train in ascending order wins.