Codenames: Pictures
Codenames: Pictures is an intriguing board game for parties and celebrations. The version of the game "Codenames", where the cards have pictures instead of words, is perfect for families and groups of friends who speak different languages.
Only two top secret spies know the identities of the 20 agents. Their teammates know these agents only by their nicknames. Will the spies be able to pass on the most accurate information about the agents to their team before the opposing team does?
In Codenames: Pictures, two teams compete to see which team can make contact with their agents first. The spy, nominated by each team at the start of the game, gives a one-word instruction that describes or designates several agent nicknames, as well as names the number of how many agents he wants to designate with that description. The team then tries to guess their own agents while avoiding the opponents' agents. Just watch out for the hired killer - the team that crosses his path will not fare well!
Language of the rules: LV, LT, EE, or EN