Now the game in a new design!
Magical matchmaking game with a unique twist for ages 6 and up - players can't see their own cards!
It's time for the biggest wizarding competition in the world - the Wizarding Tournament, and this time you're taking part! Will you summon a cat companion, or will you cast the spell "Legendary Darkness"? Whichever card you choose, it will be a surprise for everyone!
In this matchmaking game, you play cards and perform each card's spell effect in an attempt to collect as many points as possible. There's a catch though - in Zing-a-Zam, you can't see your cards, but you can see your opponents' cards!
Some spells will help you get an extra card on your turn or look at one of your cards, while other spells can interfere with your opponents' plans and make them miss a turn or even steal a point from them!
A review of the game is available here .
Made in Latvia!

Traucies cauri džungļiem, meklējot leģendām apvīto pilsētu.
Kā spēlēt?
2021. gadā „Graf Ludo“ nominācija kategorijā „Labākās bērnu spēles ilustrācijas“
2021. gadā „5 Seasons“ nominācija kategorijā „Labākā starptautiskā ballīšu un kooperatīvā spēle“

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