In the multi-level scoring game Pyramido, players try to build the most impressive pyramid out of special dominoes.
Pyramido is a tile placement game where each level of the pyramid is matched with the others. Players take turns choosing available dominoes to build their pyramid. To get the most points, players must place the dominoes so that the jewel images and colors match each other, and place their tokens on the same colors to activate the scoring zones. Each domino square and its position has a meaning, as the previous levels refer to the result throughout the game.
Players each build a four-level pyramid, earning points for each level as it is completed. On his turn, the player must choose one of the available dominoes and add it to his pyramid. If the player completes the level, he gets points for it. What's unique is that when you get points for a level, the player can also get points for lower levels, so you have to plan ahead all the time. After the fourth point, the game ends and the player with the most points wins.