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BrainGames galda spēles 5 Towers
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BrainGames galda spēles 5 Towers

5 Towers

12,95 €
Game club price: 12,30 € and 0,62 € savings in points as a reward. Don’t have a Club Account yet? Sign up.
12,30 € galda spēļu kluba biedriem un 0,62 € uzkrājums

Spēles mērķis ir uzbūvēt visaugstākos torņus un saņemt par tiem punktus. Lai iegūtu kārtis torņu būvēšanai, spēlētāji sola likmes par to, cik kāršu no atvērtajām tie vēlas paņemt. Kāpēc neņemt visas? Kārtis jeb torņu celtniecības bloki ir jāliek cits uz cita tā, lai to vērtība samazinātos. Līdz ar to, ja tiek paņemts pārāk daudz kāršu, tas var samazināt spēlētāja izredzes uzvarēt, jo tiks ierobežotas spēlētāja iespējas, ņemot kārtis nākamajos gājienos.

Success in 5 Towers is determined by smart planning and observing the actions of other players.

In 5 Towers, players build… towers! The aim of the game is to build them as high as possible to get more points. In each round, 5 cards are revealed and players bet on how many cards they are willing to take and add to their towers. Why not take them all? Quite simply, it could limit the player's options on subsequent moves, as well as reduce the chances of getting the highest score. But maybe it's worth taking the cards just so they don't get to others?

In each round, 5 cards - tower building blocks - are revealed for bidding. The player who is ready to take the most cards wins the auction and gets them for himself. He must add these cards to his towers. But why not take them all? Because only one tower of each type is allowed to be built, and the block values ​​must decrease as the tower gets higher, so if too many cards are taken, the player's options in the next game may be limited. When the last building block is placed in place, the player with the most points wins.

Success in 5 Towers is determined by smart planning and observing the actions of other players.

In 5 Towers, players build… towers! The aim of the game is to build them as high as possible to get more points. In each round, 5 cards are revealed and players bet on how many cards they are willing to take and add to their towers. Why not take them all? Quite simply, it could limit the player's options on subsequent moves, as well as reduce the chances of getting the highest score. But maybe it's worth taking the cards just so they don't get to others?

In each round, 5 cards - tower building blocks - are revealed for bidding. The player who is ready to take the most cards wins the auction and gets them for himself. He must add these cards to his towers. But why not take them all? Because only one tower of each type is allowed to be built, and the block values ​​must decrease as the tower gets higher, so if too many cards are taken, the player's options in the next game may be limited. When the last building block is placed in place, the player with the most points wins.

BrainGames galda spēles 5 Towers
BrainGames galda spēles 5 Towers

5 Towers

Traucies cauri džungļiem, meklējot leģendām apvīto pilsētu.

12,95 €
12,30 € galda spēļu kluba biedriem un 0,62 € uzkrājums

Kā spēlēt?


1. Katrā raundā tiek izsolītas piecas kārtis — torņu celtniecības bloki


2. Spēlētāji sola, cik kāršu paņems. Tas, kurš solīs visvairāk, paņems solīto skaitu kāršu


3. Kārtis jānovieto dilstošā secībā un tikai viens tornis no katra veida var tikt būvēts


4. Soli prātīgi — paceļot pārāk daudz kāršu vienā reizē var ierobežot nākotnes izvēles


5. Kad visas kārtis ir izmantotas, spēlētājs ar visvairāk punktiem uzvar!

2023. gadā „Game Court“ balva kategorijā
„Gada ģimenes spēle“


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