The magic number is three! Will you be the first to find a trio of cards (a set of three identical cards) or remember where these cards are? Or will you be able to get that elusive set of sevens to instantly win the game?
Trio is a memory game unlike any other. Some of the necessary information is available to the players, but some is hidden in the middle of the table. Carefully observe what numbers other players reveal in their moves and try to memorize them. Be the first to collect three trios, or three sets of cards with the same numbers, and win the game!

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Kā spēlēt?
2024. gadā „UK Games Expo“ uzvarētāja kategorijā „Labākā vispārīgā kāršu spēle“
2024. gadā „Spiel des Jahres“ rekomendācija
2024. gadā „As d'Or - Jeu de l'Année“ uzvarētāja

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