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The Mind

12,30 € galda spēļu kluba biedriem un 0,62 € uzkrājums
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Current price 12,95 €
12,95 € - 12,95 €
Current price 12,95 €
Game club price: 12,30 € and 0,62 € savings in points as a reward. Don’t have a Club Account yet? Sign up.

The Mind is more than just a game. It's an experiment, a journey, a team experience where you can't exchange information but work as one to beat all the levels.

It's the most brilliant teamwork experience you'll ever have. If you solve the last level, you'll feel like you've achieved euphoria together. The game doesn't allow you to discuss anything or exchange information, but it still works - with the help of your mind...

The team is given a certain number of lives and stars. A certain number of level cards must then be taken. The cards players have in their hand must be played face up in a pile in the middle of the table in ascending order. The lowest (available) card must be played first, then the next lowest above it, and so on. Cards must always be played one at a time.

In this way, the game continues as the levels and the number of cards in the hand change. When starting a new level, all 100 number cards are always shuffled and then each player is dealt one more card than the previous level.

As the game progresses, the players slowly synchronize their sense of time with each other, getting better and better at estimating how long it takes to play a particular number. Although it may seem like simple luck at first, it becomes a skill over time.

Customer Reviews

Based on 38 reviews
Eva Daigina

The Mind

Urzula Abakuka

The Mind

Aizraujoša spēle visās kompānijās

Spēli pirmo reizi spēlējām ģimenes lokā. Klusu nu gan nesanāca un kopīgi līdz spēles izspēlēšanai nesanāca tikt, jo vienmēr bija, kāds, kurš nejūt savienojumu ar citiem un spēles sākumā uzliek nepareizo kartiņu. Bet spēle ir patiešām aizraujoša, noteikti iesaku iegādāties.

Alise Pumpure
Azartiska spēle

Ļoti forša spēle! Lielā ģimenes ceļojumā bija līdzi paņemta un pirmajā vakarā likās nereāli vinnēt, taču katru vakaru tā bija neatņemama laika pavadīšanas atrakcija un pēc pāris vakariem jau ar vien labāk spējām viens otra domas nolasīt un azarts bija milzīgs iziet visus līmeņus.
Maziem bērniem nebūs labākais, bet jau ap pusaudžu vecumu varētu būt azarts sākt spēlēt. Noteikumi ir viegli, taču izpildījums un beigu līmeņus sasniegt nav nemaz viegli.

Aleksandra N

Ļoti forša un jautra spēle

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