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12,30 € galda spēļu kluba biedriem un 0,62 € uzkrājums
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Current price 12,95 €
Game club price: 12,30 € and 0,62 € savings in points as a reward. Don’t have a Club Account yet? Sign up.

"Saboteur" is an exciting role-playing board game for family and parties in a company of up to 10 people. Gold diggers and saboteurs each try to complete their team's mission by playing different path or action cards . Players do not know each other's identity a. It will make you evaluate every action and ensure a game full of intrigue.

The players are dwarves digging a tunnel to get to the gold. However, one of you is a traitor—which one? Suddenly, out of nowhere, a pickaxe shatters a player's lamp - a saboteur has appeared! Players are divided into two teams of dwarves, gold diggers and saboteurs, but they do not know each other's identities. Gold diggers try to create a path from the starting card to gold, while saboteurs try to disrupt that path as much as possible. However, they must not act too conspicuously, otherwise they will be exposed immediately. After three rounds, the player with the most gold wins.
Which players are Gold Diggers and which are Saboteurs? Your role is drawn at the beginning of each round and is not revealed by anyone. This is where the fun and intriguing essence of the game appears. Will the Gold Diggers make it to the end and find the gold, or will the wily Saboteurs hide their identity to the last detail and stop the Gold Diggers just before they reach their goal? 110 playing cards, including role cards, path cards, gold piece cards, and various action cards, provide countless opportunities for variety in the game.

Customer Reviews

Based on 38 reviews
Ieteicamais spēlētāju skaits

Laba so;ele. Lai būtu riktīgi interesanti vajag vismaz 2 sabotierus un attiecīgi vismaz 4 rūķus.

Dace Barviķe

Super spēle, viegli saprotama un diezgan ātri izspēlējama. Interesantāk spēlēt, ja vismaz viens no spēlētājiem ir sabotieris. Ja visi rūķi, tad gan nav tik interesanti.

Ilze Dzene-Vanaga


Agnija Brieze
Lieliska spēle ģimenei

Lieliski spēle ģimenei ar bērniem (12 un 15 gadi). Ātri izspēlējama, nav gara - bērniem neapnīk.

Mārtiņš Štreihfelds
Must have

Ja tev nav mājās sabotieris un neesi ar to nokaitinājis kaut 1 labu draugu, tad tu vēl nav galdu spēļu spēlmanis. Vienīgais mīnus sabotrieim ir tas, ka mūsdienās ir grūti savākties vismaz 6 spēlētājiem, lai spēle kļūtu interesanta. Ja piepirksi otru daļu, rēķinies ka galdam un draugu pulkam jābūt lielākam. Ja proti melot, locīties kā čūska, tad šī jāņem, patiks.

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Brain Games publishing house for games