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Saboteur Forest

26,55 € galda spēļu kluba biedriem un 1,33 € uzkrājums
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Current price 27,95 €
27,95 € - 27,95 €
Current price 27,95 €
Game club price: 26,55 € and 1,33 € savings in points as a reward. Don’t have a Club Account yet? Sign up.

Saboteur Forest is a board game based on the popular card game Saboteur. This game is perfect for large families or gatherings of friends.

"Saboteur Forest" - these are new adventures in the already known "Saboetur" world. On the other side of the forest lies a long-forgotten mine that you have decided to find! You must call your gnome clan and go into the forest. Only together will you be able to overcome obstacles, escape from traps and trolls, and also find valuable treasures!

In this game, players are divided into two clans; each has loyal dwarves, selfish dwarves, and a saboteur secretly working for the opposing clan. Players move around the board to reach four target cards, one of which contains a sleeping dragon that you don't want to wake up. Sabotage is not done against a specific player, but rather on the board by placing blocked path cards or adding tokens. Players take turns playing cards to get through the forest. Also, the path can be blocked by trolls, and the traps set can cause you to lose cards. Overcoming obstacles will require the right tools and strategy.

Players play card after card to create a path through the forest. Trolls will block your path and traps will make you lose cards. You'll need the right tools to overcome obstacles. The goal of the players is to move their dwarves along four paths until they reach a mine where they can take the treasure. At the end of the round, the gains are divided: each member of the clan gets a fair share, but one of the dwarves works only to benefit himself, and another is a member of the opposing clan! The player who manages to collect the most treasures (victory points) in two rounds wins.

Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews
Alesha Nutter
Fun for all ages!

Makes the game more interesting and adds a fun twist!

Agnese Groza
Spēles taustāmā kvalitāte

Spēlei nav ne vainas,lai gan mazās kārtis labāk patika. Kaut kā pietrūka intrigas, var ļoti labi sparast kurš ir kurš. Liekas,ka pieklibo kvalitāte. Kārtis nekvalitatīvi sagrieztas, šķībi,līdz ar to dažām lieka,ka ceļš turpinās,lai gan tas vienkārši nav pareizs griezums. Un arī zelta raktuves viegli atšķirt,jo tām baltā mala redzama. Lai nebūtu redzama,tā jānogriež,bet tad jau atkal pēc izmēra viss skaidrs :) Nu,tà tàda neliela vilšanās bija.


Bērniem šī patīk visvairāk no visiem Sabotieriem, bet pat četratā spēlējot šķiet, ka pietrūkst spēlētāji, prasās lielāka kompānija, lai lielāka lomu dažādība. Bet kopumā interesanta, vizuāli skaista un kvalitatīva spēle.

Kristaps K.
Viena no Must-have majās

Laba galda spēle, vidējam 20min raundam. Var spelēt vairāki, skaistas animācijas kārti, laukums, dēl kura arī cena. Ir arī mazā versija, kura lētāka.

Olegs Vorms-Behers
lV, ru

А есть вероятность, что эта игра выйдет и на русском? Очень хотелось бы поиграть.

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