Doodle Rush ENG
"Doodle Rush" is a very fast family and party game. Each player tries to draw 6 words as quickly as possible, and then the other players have to guess what is depicted on their cards. Each game consists of 6 consecutive rounds of drawing and guessing, each lasting 1 minute - literally a 6 minute game.
Each player is dealt two word cards, once everyone has read them, the one-minute hourglass is turned over. This is the time when players try to draw as many of their words as possible. Draw well because the other players have to remember what you have drawn! You don't want your ass to look like a car, do you? After a minute of drawing, the hourglass is turned over again. Then the guessing time began, where everyone tries to guess as many words as possible drawn by other players. Repeat this a total of three times. Then the game ends.
Every correctly guessed drawing gives the player points, but every wrong guess subtracts points. The game sometimes turns out to be quite loud and chaotic, however, it is the responsibility of each drawing author to notice who was the first to correctly remember one of his drawings. At the end of the game, the player with the most points in the game wins.
Age: from 10 years
Duration: 10-15 min
Number of players: 3-6
Language of the rules: EN