A game for children that makes them notice and think.
Pick up a card with an attribute and then find a card in your hand that matches it. In addition, prepare to defend your opinion in some cases!
In this game, you will need to find the corresponding properties of the items depicted on the cards in your hands. You will need to find, for example, triangles in an orange slice, as well as the necessary colors for the objects in your hand. You may need to prove why you think the cat smells good.
A look at the game
Each player is dealt 5 cards, which they must hold face up in front of them. The rest of the cards are placed face up (with the blue edge) and one of them is placed in the middle of the table - this will be the reference card. The youngest player starts the game. During his turn, the player must find a card in his hand that has the same property as the reference card. For example, it could be a sock with a blue stripe matching the property 'blue'. Then the player places that card (in this example , a sock) face up on the reference card on top of it - so it now becomes the new reference card! If the player does not have any cards with the matching trait in their hand, they must take a new item card from the pile and add it to their hand. A successful card matches any trait, resulting in that card being played immediately. If it doesn't, you'll have to wait another turn to play it. The player who gets rid of all his cards first wins.