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  • Galda Spēles visai ģimenei
    November 16, 2019

    Board Games for the whole family

    Board games are a great way to spend time with the family, so we made a list of a couple of great games that will be perfect for spending time together. Planet "Planet" is a unique planet building game where...

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  • 19. septembra pievedums
    September 23, 2019

    Addendum of September 19

    What was hidden in the delivery boxes? The full list of everything that came to the store is below. Fans of Dungeons & Dragons, Yu-Gi-Oh, and Magic The Gathering are sure to find this list especially appealing.

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  • Spēles apskats – Sheriff of Nottingham
    August 4, 2019

    Game Review - Sheriff of Nottingham

    Mechanics: bluff, agreement and persuasion Game difficulty: Easy Game duration: 60 min Number of players: 2-5 Best number of players: 4-5 Language: It is available in Latvian, but there is no text on the cards One of the games that...

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  • Meklējam papildspēkus
    August 1, 2019

    We are looking for reinforcements

    Brain Games needs reinforcements - a salesperson in the Riga Plaza store!

    If you like board games, are communicative, learn quickly and want to join our team, then send your CV and a short motivation letter of up to 350 words about why you want to work for us to by 18 . for August .
    Write "Vacancy - seller" in the e-mail title.

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  • Spēles apskats - Krokets
    July 25, 2019

    Game review - Croquet

    Game review - Croquet

    While it is still the summer season and a large part of free time is spent outdoors, I can't help but look at the best outdoor game currently available on the Latvian market. It is the legendary and always loved in our family - croquet. I will note that croquet also has very exciting official rules, but it already needs a much more professional set, a perfect lawn, and since I have been playing croquet since the days when the rules spread like songs, with the help of word of mouth, I will describe the game that I play, respect and love.

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  • Spēlē, dalies, laimē! (jūlijs)
    July 19, 2019

    Play, share, win! (July)

    Play, share, win!

    Post a picture of yourself playing board or outdoor games on your Facebook and/or Instagram account and add the hashtag # braingamesspele . Remember that the post must be public. August at the beginning we will draw three lucky ones who will get our novelty in their possession - the game Sheriff of Nottingham.

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