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  • Uzzini, kā tiek lokalizētas galda spēles
    August 20, 2021

    Learn how board games are localized

    In today's world of board games, game localization is very important. The hobby of board games is becoming more and more popular, and many more people want to play a new game. The number of available (and good) games keeps getting bigger and bigger. There are games where there is no text on the components (the text is only in the rules of the game), and there are players who are perfectly satisfied with the games in English (or some other language), but there are also many people (and more and more) who want to play the game in their in the native language.

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  • Spēles „Illusion“ apskats
    January 23, 2021

    Illusion game review

    What is the point of the board game? Mechanics, graphics, replayability, balance, symmetry, asymmetry? Or maybe - how much the game pulls in, how deep the immersion is . You can be deeply drawn in by various things — detailed...

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  • Spēles „Black stories“ apskats
    January 22, 2021

    Review of the game "Black stories".

    Evening. Riga. Avotu street. There is a youth company. "So did they kill someone?" "Yes." "What?" "It doesn't matter, just someone." "But why is the devil involved?" Do you think this is not normal? But in Black stories there is...

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