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Just one game for every situation in life

Today, manufacturers of board games often strive for new heights, developing more and more unique and specific games for a specific life situation. But not everyone wants dozens of games in their collection to prepare for any audience and situation. If you want to buy just one game, but one that you can play with friends, at parties, with family and grandparents, then "Just one" is your answer!

The game was released in 2018, but gained wider attention a year later, when it received the prestigious "Spiel des Jahres" award as the best board game of the year. This is the most prestigious award in the board game industry.

One of the biggest advantages of the game is the simple rules of the game. They are so easy to understand that they can be taught to almost anyone, from elementary school children to the elderly. In addition, Only One is a cooperative game, which means that all players are one team, together in pursuit of the sweet taste of victory.

"Only one" is a game where players give clues with associations, but you have to find the right balance, because too abstract words can be confusing, but direct synonyms lead to problems.

How is the game going? In each round, one of the players is the guesser, who chooses a number from one to five that corresponds to the word on the playing card. The guesser does not see the word, but the other players do. Then all players write a one-word clue on special boards that connects them to the name of the mentioned person. But there is a catch! If multiple players have written the same clue, they will be deleted before being shown to the person who guesses the word from the remaining clues. If the guess is correct, the players get a point. The next player then takes on the role of said person.

"I like the thoughtful idea that in a party game you have to find a balance between simple words that anyone could write and obscure clues that can lead to nothing or even confuse the person who said it," said Dice Tower reviewer Zee Garcia.

If you think that easy rules mean a boring game or quick boredom, then it's not at all! This game is only limited by your imagination, so the limits may be very wide. Each time, players will think of new clues for new words, so each game will provide a completely new experience.

This is one of the few games that can be played remotely via video call very well. If at least one of the players has a game, then he can show the word cards to the others in the camera, and the other players can replace the boards and markers with a sheet of paper and any kind of writing tool.

"Just one" can be played by three to seven players. Also, the game is very playable with any number of players - the more players there are, the more threads there are, but the more likely it is that some of them will match and be deleted.

On the most popular board game portal "BoardGameGeek", the game has been rated with 7.6 points, being a very high 144th place among all games. At the top of the chart are mostly harder games with more complicated rules. Among party games, Only One takes the award-winning third place, behind only Codenames , which has an equal rating, and Decrypto .

Only One is often compared to Codenames, and for good reason - both are party games by association. Although the games seem to be in the same category, they are nevertheless different, each with its own pros and cons.

If you want a game for a larger group of players, or one where there is competition, then Codenames is your choice. But if you want to play a game that is cool to play with up to seven players, one where everyone cooperates, then "Only One" should be in your collection.

Another advantage of the game is player engagement. Whether you're writing threads or minis, you're in the game and active all the time. Unlike Codenames, there is no waiting for the other team in this game. In addition, "Only one" successfully copes with pushy players who always try to impose their opinion, because everyone writes their own thread.

One of the biggest concerns can certainly be the fact that the game uses markers that can wear out or rot over time. We have also taken care of this problem - it is possible to get new markers in our stores in case of need, so that the game will last a long time.

If you still doubt whether "Only one" is meant for you, you can certainly go to one of our stores, where our employees will gladly advise you, tell you more about not only this game, but also other games!

Buy the game "Only One" now!

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