Splendor tournament 2023
On February 18 of this year, the "Splendor" tournament organized by Brain Games will take place in the "lofts" bar, Matīsa Street 8, where participants will have the opportunity not only to have fun, but also to compete for various prizes. Come and prove yourself!
- 1st place: Brain Games gift card worth €50.
- 2nd place: Brain Games gift card worth €35.
- 3rd place: Brain Games gift card worth €25.
The tournament will be held on February 18 at the "lofts" bar, Matīsa street 8 .
Don't forget to tag us in ourFacebook event !
What time? — Arrival from 13.00
The participation fee is 5€ . Payment is made online or on the day of the event in cash . The number of places in the tournament is limited, so don't postpone your registration until the last moment! Up to 32 participants will be able to compete in the competition.
You can also buy a tournament season ticket and save!
13.00 arrival
13.00 – 13.30 registration of participants, distribution of players of the 1st round by tables (if you arrive after the registration time, you will not be able to participate in the tournament)
13.30 opening of the championship
13.45 – 14.30 Round 1
14.40 – 15.25 Round 2
15.35 – 16.20 Round 3
16.30 – 17.15 Round 4
17.25 – 18.10 final
18.15 – 18.25 awarding
The use of intoxicating substances and excessive alcohol, as well as aggressive behavior during the championship is not allowed and threatens with disqualification! It is forbidden to disturb or help other participants! We are for fair play!
Announcing games
Before each round, a list prepared by the computer is made public, in which the participants of the tournament are ranked by tables. From this list, players can find out the table number at which they will be playing the next game and go find the appropriate table.
All participants play four rounds.
First round:
The players are arranged at the tables in a random order determined by the computer. 3-4 players play at each table.
The starting order is determined by the players based on the random order of the computer - the player who is first on the list at the table will make the first move.
Next rounds:
Players at the table are ranked based on the results of previous games. The first player is determined by the position in the ranking.
Due to the very tight schedule of the tournament, the time for each round is strictly limited to 45 minutes. After half an hour has been played, the game will have a turn time limit of 1 minute. If the game already lasts 45 minutes, the table is given another five minutes to finish the game. Once 50 minutes have been played, the game is stopped, allowing the current turn to be completed. If neither player reaches the 15-point mark, there is no winner in the game. Such a situation is not favorable for any participant, as the overall rating and ranking points are lost.
It should be remembered that all four rounds of the main tournament are of equal importance.
There is only one winner in each game.
After four rounds, the four best players will reach the finals . The winner will be the player who wins the final game. The distribution of second to fourth place is determined by the number of points in the final game. In case of an equal number of points, the higher place is won by the player who was ranked higher before the final.
Player ranking
Players are ranked by three criteria (in order of importance):
- number of wins
- the number of points scored
- proportional to the number of points scored at the table. In a three-player game, scores are recalculated proportionally as if it were a four-player game.
- Don't drag on! Respect the time of other players too!
- When you finish the game, record the results in the questionnaire and declare the game over! The winner takes the game questionnaire to the organizer's table. Players arrange the components of the game so that it is convenient to start playing a new round.
- Players are responsible for following the rules. If a player made a mistake that was not immediately caught, and the players were already doing other things, then this situation is no longer relevant and the game continues. However, players must be honest and follow all the rules! In case of repeated mistakes, the player may be punished with disqualification.
- Physically influencing opponents before, after or during the game is, of course, completely unacceptable and will mean disqualification of the participant.
- If you have come to sympathize or are a participant of the tournament who has already finished his game, it is forbidden to make audible comments and give advice to the players while watching the game of another table. Interference in the game from the outside (even with a seemingly harmless retort) can affect the outcome of the game and is therefore not allowed! Depending on the "degree of harm" involved, a participant who makes such interference may receive from a warning to disqualification (head judge's decision).
- All games are played with the Latvian version of the base game "Splendor". Communication during the game takes place in Latvian, but all game participants can also agree on another language.
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