
What is your black story?
Public vote until October 30!
Have you ever encountered something spooky and supernatural in your life? Are you creative and can make up your own ghost story? Share your story with us, and maybe your story will turn into a special Black stories card!
Send your story to with "Ghost Story" in the subject line by October 22nd. Before submitting your story, please consider:
- send the story in Word (.docx/.doc) format;
- your story must not exceed 1000 characters (including spaces);
- if you want to use llama words, they MUST be censored;
- the story must not be discriminatory;
- each participant can submit one story.
After stories are submitted, a public vote will be held to determine the winner. Voting information will be available no later than October 25 on Brain Games social network accounts and website.
The results will be announced on October 31!
What can you win?
- Each story submitted will receive one Black stories game of your choice.
- The three best stories will receive the new game "EXIT: Tunnel of Horrors".
- The best story will be turned into a special "Black stories" card, which will be printed in a limited number of copies.
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