How to choose the most suitable gift?
Board games make a great holiday gift, but how do you know what the recipient will like? Which game will be suitable? Here we summarize 5 factors to be guided by when choosing a game.
1. Type of game
What would be more interesting for the recipient of the gift? It is worth thinking about where you see him more - playing fun party games or playing a more serious game where you will have to plan your strategy to get to victory. Maybe it's a game of skill or erudition? Family games will bring joy and nice moments of being together for everyone. If he already has board games at home, then you definitely need to keep in mind which ones he likes best. Social games will make us communicate with each other, but there are also self-puzzling games, where mostly the next moves have to be worked out in the head. Games like " Dobble " and " Jungle Speed " will test both players' focus and skill. Of course, attention should also be paid to the degree of complexity - how "serious" the game might be suitable.
2. Amount of players
A very determining factor is how many players will mostly play with our gift recipient. How big a family will we gift? How many people are there in the usual group of friends? You need to consider all scenarios so that you don't end up with a game at home that isn't being used because it needs, for example, at least 4 players. It works both ways - a game suitable for two should not be given to people who like to stay in larger companies. Fortunately, board games can fit any situation - there are ones that can be played by up to 20 people, and there are also solo games that can be played by yourself.
3. Age
One of the most important factors is the age of the players, which is even more important when you choose games specifically for children. Board games can be found both for the youngest players and also for respectable old-timers. You should start by choosing between three main categories - games for kids, games for everyone and games for experts. Their level of difficulty and comprehensibility is expressed in the recommended age from which to start each game. There is a very big difference between, for example, 3+, 5+ and 14+ games. However, this number indicates the approximate age and is not so strict - of course, even five-year-olds who know how to tap a penguin with their finger will be able to play " ICECOOL ".
4. Subject matter
What are the interests of the recipient of the game? What is his profession? Hobbies, passions? All this can help to really hit the top ten when choosing a gift. There are countless board game themes, so everyone can find something they are interested in. For example, if the person to whom we give the game is interested in the Middle Ages, then we can find someone with castles and knights. Do you need to add fiction? No problem! We find a game with castles, knights and dragons. Maybe a movie or a cartoon? "Lord of the Rings" or "Star Wars" - even such specific games will not be difficult to find. The profession can also play a significant role in the choice of subject matter. For example, builders and architects will surely enjoy city development games. As you can see, there are a lot of possibilities!
5. Extensions
If the recipient of the gift is very fond of one of the existing games, maybe there is no need to buy a new one at all. Their expansions are an excellent way to extend the game by introducing new vistas into it. Expansions add new elements to the base game, new maps, change the number of players allowed, and change the rules of the game in various other ways. They also tend to speed up or prolong gameplay. Many expansions, once added to a game, are never put away, but left in the game box and the base game itself is never played again without them. A great example is the " Seafarers " expansion of the game " Catan ", where players have the opportunity to create huge maps and sail to other islands adjacent to the island of Catan. People who are familiar with "Seafarers" will rarely go back to the base game, because it is much more interesting to play this way.
Come to Brain Games stores in Rīga Plaza, K. Barona Street 55 or shop online at . When you come to our stores, our knowledgeable and friendly salespeople will help you choose the most suitable gift! :)
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