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Brain Games Dennis TOP 5

Looking at Brain Games TOP 5 games, I, Dennis, have the desire to describe my feelings about these games. So I could give my opinion on why exactly these games have become among the games closest to the hearts of game enthusiasts, big and small. You can see more directly about the theme and rules of the game in our previous articles about news, as well as game reviews.


When I was still studying in the lower grades of primary school, my father taught me and my sister a game called "Knipjie". It was a very simple but exciting game that I could play against anyone. All that was needed was a set of checkers. We placed the dice on opposite sides of the field and tried to knock the opponent's dice out of the field by hitting each other's playing dice with pins, trying not to knock out our own dice as well. The game required precision and of course luck. Some of my fondest childhood memories are of winning or losing in this game - it really got me hooked.

The reason I am sharing this emotional text is because I think ICECOOL is creating such emotions in families maybe even at this moment while you are reading this article. This Latvian-made game has found its way onto gaming tables around the world. Simple elegance, precision, luck and failure are all in this game that anyone can learn.

Regarding ICECOOL2, I would agree with Tom Vassell's statement "After putting the two games together, I don't want to play these games individually anymore!" [1] The ability to experience the same fun alone in larger numbers of players or teams, as well as in different game modes such as competitive is really nice app.

The Mind

Although the game "The Mind" is brand new, this game has managed to reach the TOP 5 of Brain Games in about a month. My opinion on how this game did it would be the following. The playing cards are elegant both in terms of colors and illustrations. This minimalistic design is very pleasing to the eyes in my opinion. Of course, this is not the only reason, because I was also very attracted by the cooperative element of this game, where talking to each other and giving any information about your cards is prohibited.

This game didn't last long on my gaming shelves. To the question "Why so?", I answer as follows - "My friend took this game from me to introduce this charming game to her fellow students in England."

Stone Age

A couple of years ago, I played Stone Age for the first time, which introduced me to one of my favorite board game genres at the moment - worker placement. Now I have already played various games of this genre, one even appeared in my dream after playing, but it was "Stone Age" that introduced me to this type of games.

I believe this game is so popular because of the exciting rivalry. Although players do not attack each other with armies or loot resources from storages, the battle between player-controlled tribes is for the various resource mining sites, where the number of workers is limited. Players compete against each other for houses and development cards to obtain with resources to earn points for their tribe.

Pyramid of Pengqueen

Pyramid of Pengqueen also reminds me of the fun of childhood. This time it's memories of games in the backyard - hide and seek. A lot of fond memories from childhood are of this type - hanging out with friends, playing games.

I believe that there is a noticeable similarity in this game, because the task of the mummy is to first understand where exactly the penguins are hiding, and then it starts to catch them. The game might also seem interesting because the penguins also have their own task - to find the lost treasures in the mummy pyramid. Completing this task to gain points while avoiding the mummy's claws is an exciting challenge.


I really like stealth RPGs! I find this to be one of my favorite ways to have fun at the table for a larger company. Knowing that I will be in these situations, I often have Spyfall or Resistance with me. Since these situations are hard to predict, I often find a Saboteur card game in my bag because it takes up very little space and has always been fun to play.

When faced with the above situations, I usually recommend playing this game. One of the parts of the game closest to me is calling other players saboteurs! In this game, trusting your family or friends to win the game and get the most gold will be problematic. Why? Everyone in this game is suspicious!

It's really not difficult for me to understand why Saboteur is such a popular game. Well, often, when I visit, I see one of the versions of this game on the shelves, which only confirms my thoughts that you are trying to prove that someone at the table is a traitor, for fun, it's really cool!

[1] "Ice Cool 2 Review - With Tom Vasel". 2018. Youtube.

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