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14. decembris

December 14

December 14 - The Mind

Have you also had moments in your life when you and a friend say exactly the same thing at the same time? Strange, isn't it? But FREAKING COOL! There are times when you can imagine for a second that you are from the world of Harry Potter or have telepathic powers… or even a psychic! What to do so that this feeling does not disappear, and that your friends feel it too? Our answer to this nagging question is The Mind game.

When you and your friend say the same thing at the same time.

Sometimes the mind plays tricks on us…

what do you see Cats or fish?

And here? A bird or a lion?

But it's time to play jokes with your mind!

The Mind is a very interesting game where all players have to play cards in ascending order from 1-100 without any communication. It becomes interesting to see how the players will decide which cards to play without communication. Communication does happen in a way, but without physical or verbal cues. This game relies heavily on the players to determine what this game has to offer, which is sometimes a little, but often has a lot to enjoy. "The Mind" is very intriguing. It's something completely new that can be explored quickly and easily.”

Tom:  A great game that makes you pay more attention to your instinct.

Let's start with the fact that the rules of the game are very simple. Therefore, anyone will be able to start playing quickly without any questions. The only questions will be whether there really isn't anything else to know.

What makes this game different is that you usually get to focus on the game itself while playing. On the other hand, here you mostly have to focus on other players to understand them, and focus on yourself to learn to listen to your instincts. Despite the fact that there is little to talk about, the silence does not create the feeling of being bored. It just helps focus and creates tension.

I recommend this game to those who are interested in practicing new skills and who like to play in a team."

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