December 12
December 12 - Saboteur
At Christmas time, all the gnomes get excited. Be a gnome too, don't sit with your hands in your lap - it's time for you to look for gifts as well as gold!
"Saboteur" is an exciting role-playing board game for families and parties of up to 10 people. Gold Diggers and Saboteurs each try to complete their team's mission by playing different Path or Action cards. The players do not know each other's identity. This will make you evaluate every action and ensure a game full of intrigue. "Saboteur" is the best-selling game in the Baltics for several years in a row and the winner of the "2007 Major Fun Award".
By the way, on September 30, 2018, the Latvian championship in the board game Saboteur took place for the third time. During one day, the participants competed in the main tournament and in the elimination games to find out the Latvian champion, who won the right to represent Latvia in the world championship, which took place on December 1 this year in Warsaw.
Darta: I was introduced to the world of board games by friends, which happened relatively recently, about 1.5 years ago. This is one of the first board games I was introduced to. I never refuse to play because every time I play is different and always fun. I myself really like mafia-type games where everyone has a role and one of them is the bad guy who has to be caught during the game. I'm not saying that I know how to bluff, but it's a matter of practice, isn't it! The "saboteur" is not quite a mafia, but one unfortunate person still needs to be unmasked.
This game is usually announced by friends with the words "Well, who is ready to spoil friendships?"... friendships have not been sabotaged yet. Hehehe!
There are other Saboteur parts.
Saboteur extension Saboteur 2
This expansion offers players many new roles that replace previous roles.
"Saboteur Duel" is a game for one or two players, derived from the popular board game "Saboteur". When playing alone, you want to collect as many gold pieces as possible by digging new rock tunnels. When played in pairs, players try to collect more gold pieces than the opponent, but as usual in Saboteur, the opponent will do everything possible to stop you and sabotage your hard work!
NEWS. Saboteur Forest .
Saboteur Forest is different in that it has a different playing field, it has figurines and other innovations, and in this game, players are divided into two clans. Each clan has loyal dwarves, selfish dwarves, and one saboteur who secretly works for the other clan.
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