25. jūnija pievedums
Jaunais un ilgi gaidītais pievedums beidzot ir klāt! Atrodi jaunākās un karstākās spēles pilnajā pieveduma sarakstā zemāk.
Ja vēlies pasūtīt kādu konkrētu spēli vai vēlies zināt, kad kaut kas konkrēts būs pieejams, tad raksti Sandai (sanda@brain-games.com).
25. jūnija pievedumā (spēļu daudzums netiks atjaunināts):
Nosaukums | Daudzums |
7 Wonders | 6 |
7 Wonders - Babel (ENG) | 2 |
7 Wonders Duel Nordic | 2 |
7 Wonders Wonder Pack | 2 |
Aerion | 1 |
Arctic Scavengers + Recon | 1 |
Arkham Horror Card Game | 6 |
Azul Stained Glass of Sintra Nordisk | 5 |
Bang! | 4 |
Bang! Dice Game | 4 |
Bears vs Babies Core Deck | 1 |
Betrayal at Baldurs Gate | 1 |
Betrayal at House on the Hill | 6 |
Betrayal at House Widow's Walk | 1 |
Breaking Bad The Boardgame | 1 |
Bucket of Doom | 3 |
Bunny Kingdom | 3 |
Carc Big Box Scandi NEW | 1 |
Castles of Mad King Ludwig | 4 |
Castles of Mad King Ludwig Secrets | 1 |
Caverna Forgotten Folk Exp. | 1 |
Century Eastern Wonders | 3 |
Chronicles of Crime Glasses | 3 |
Chronicles Of Crime Noir | 3 |
Citadels Citadels Classic ENG | 14 |
Citadels NEW ENG | 12 |
Cities of Splendor Nordic-ENG | 1 |
Clank | 2 |
Codenames Deep Undercover ENG | 4 |
Cosmic Encounter (NEW) | 2 |
Cosmic Encounter Cosmic Storm | 1 |
Cosmic Encounter: Cosmic Alliance | 1 |
D&D 5th Ed. DM's Screen Reincarnated | 3 |
D&D 5th Ed. Dungeon Master's Guide (HC) | 3 |
D&D 5th Ed. Mordenk. Tome Of Foes | 1 |
D&D 5th Ed. Tomb Of Annihilation | 1 |
D&D 5th Spell Deck Bard (128 cards) | 1 |
D&D 5th Spell Deck Cleric (149 cards) | 1 |
D&D 5th Spell Deck Druid (131 cards) | 1 |
D&D 5th Spell Deck Martial Power & Races | 1 |
D&D 5th Spell Deck Paladin (69 cards) | 1 |
D&D Player's Handbook 5th Ed. | 6 |
D&D Reincarnated City Tiles | 3 |
D&D Reincarnated Dungeon Tiles | 3 |
D&D Reincarnated Wilderness Tiles | 3 |
D&D Starter Set 5th Ed. | 12 |
D&D Temple of Elemental Evil Board Game | 1 |
Deception Murder in Hong Kong | 3 |
Deck Box PRO Eclipse Jet Black 100+ | 2 |
Deckscape Heist in Venice | 4 |
Decrypto | 2 |
Detective A Modern Crime Game | 1 |
Detective L.A. Crimes Exp. | 3 |
Dice Tray Velvet Black | 3 |
Dice Tray Velvet Blue | 2 |
Dice Tray Velvet Green | 2 |
Dice Tray Velvet Purple | 2 |
Dice Tray Velvet Rainbow | 2 |
Dice Tray Velvet Red | 2 |
Dominion Base Cards | 2 |
Eldritch Horror | 3 |
Eldritch Horror: Mountains of Madness | 2 |
Epic Spell Melee at Murder | 1 |
Epic Spell Panic at the Pleasure Palace | 1 |
Epic Spellwars oBW duel at Skullzfyre | 1 |
Epic Spellwars oBW II Rumble at Castle T | 1 |
Evolution New Box | 2 |
Exploding Kittens Original Ed. | 54 |
Exploding Kittens Streaking Kittens ENG | 24 |
Falling Sky | 1 |
Fallout Boardgame | 2 |
Fallout New California | 2 |
Favor of the Pharaoh | 3 |
Five Tribes ENG | 1 |
Food Chain Magnate | 1 |
Fortnite TC Booster | 48 |
Fortnite TC Fat Pack | 12 |
Fuji | 2 |
Game of Thr At the Gates Chapter Pack | 8 |
Game of Thr HBO Iron Throne | 1 |
Gentes | 1 |
Gloom 2nd Ed. | 1 |
Good Cop Bad Cop | 1 |
Great Western Trail | 6 |
Hero Realms Cleric Pack | 4 |
Hero Realms Deckbuilding Game | 12 |
Hero Realms Fighter Pack | 4 |
Hero Realms Ranger Pack | 2 |
Hero Realms Thief Pack | 4 |
Hero Realms Wizard Pack | 4 |
Hostage Negotiator Crime Wave | 1 |
HP Hogwarts Battle DBG | 1 |
Imperial Settlers | 2 |
Inis | 5 |
KeyForge Age of Ascension Deck | 144 |
KeyForge Age of Ascension Starter Set | 10 |
KeyForge Finishing Blow Playmat | 2 |
KeyForge Mighty Tiger Playmat | 2 |
Keyforge Premium Key Set | 5 |
Keyforge Season 1 2019 Kit | 1 |
Keyforge Seasonal 2019 Prem. Kit S1 | 1 |
Kids On Bikes Strange Adv V1 | 2 |
King of Tokyo Power Up New | 2 |
LotR LCG Fate Of Wilderland | 1 |
LOTR WOTR War of The Ring 2nd Ed | 2 |
Mage Knight The Boardgame | 2 |
Mansions of Madness Horrific Journeys | 2 |
Mansions of Madness Streets of Arkham | 2 |
Marvel Legendary Spider-Man Exp. | 1 |
Memoir 44 | 2 |
Memoir 44 Mediterranean Theater | 1 |
Mini Game #9 Welcome Back To The Dungeon | 6 |
Monopoly Big Bang Theory | 1 |
Monopoly Rick & Morty | 1 |
Munchkin | 2 |
Munchkin Bites | 1 |
Munchkin Cthulhu Guest Artist Katie Cook | 1 |
Munchkin Foil Ed. | 4 |
Munchkin Fu | 1 |
Munchkin Legends | 1 |
Munchkin Magical Mess | 2 |
Munchkin Shakespeare Deluxe | 1 |
Munchkin Star | 1 |
Munchkin Zombies | 2 |
Pandemic Fall of Rome | 2 |
Pandemic Legacy Season 2 (Yellow Ed) | 1 |
Pandemic State of Emergency | 1 |
Pandemic: In the Lab | 3 |
Poke Battle Arena Decks Kyurem | 2 |
Poke Blister 1P SM7 Celestial Storm | 24 |
Poke Elite Deck Tin Fall 17 | 1 |
Poke SM10 Unbroken Bonds Theme | 12 |
Puerto Rico | 1 |
Puzzle Game of Thr 6" Globe | 1 |
Reef | 1 |
Resident Evil 2 Board Game | 1 |
Return to the Dunwich Legacy: Arkham Horror LCG Exp. | 6 |
Rick and Morty The Rickshank Redemption | 3 |
Risk Game of Thrones Coll. Ed. | 1 |
Risk, Legacy | 2 |
Robinson Crusoe 2nd Ed | 2 |
Robinson Crusoe Mystery Tales Exp. | 2 |
Room 25 | 2 |
Rubiks Cube 3x1 | 2 |
Scythe | 12 |
Scythe Encounters | 2 |
Scythe Metal Coins | 3 |
Scythe Rise of Fenris | 1 |
Scythe The Wind Gambit | 4 |
Seasons | 4 |
Sequence Deluxe | 6 |
Sequence The Board Game (New) | 12 |
Set The Family Game | 9 |
Shards Of Infinity DBG | 3 |
Shards Of Infinity Relics of the Future | 2 |
Sheriff of Nottingham | 4 |
Sheriff of Nottingham Merry Men | 1 |
Sherlock Holmes CD Carlton House & Queen | 1 |
Sid Meier's Civilization A New Dawn | 3 |
Sleeves UF Almost A P 2,5x3,5" [100] | 7 |
Small World River World | 1 |
Small World Underground | 3 |
Smash Up | 6 |
Spirit Island | 5 |
Spirit Island Branch & Claw Exp | 2 |
Splendor Nordic | 2 |
Star Realms DBG | 2 |
Star Wars Destiny Boba Fett Starter Set | 1 |
Star Wars IA Bespin Gambit | 1 |
Star Wars IA Ezra Bridger & Kanan Jarrus | 1 |
Star Wars IA Hondo Ohnaka Villain Pack | 2 |
Star Wars IA Sabine Wren & Zeb Orrelios | 2 |
Star Wars IA Twin Shadows Exp. | 1 |
Star Wars Imperial Assault | 1 |
Star Wars LCG Promise Of Power | 1 |
Star Wars Outer Rim | 6 |
Stone Age | 3 |
SW Rebellion | 1 |
T.I.M.E. Stories | 2 |
T.I.M.E. Stories Brotherhood | 2 |
T.I.M.E. Stories Endurance | 2 |
T.I.M.E. Stories Estrella Drive | 2 |
T.I.M.E. Stories Marcy Case | 2 |
Terraforming Mars | 10 |
Terraforming Mars: Colonies | 2 |
The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-Earth Board Game | 6 |
This War of Mine | 1 |
Ticket to Ride India | 3 |
Ticket to Ride Nederland | 3 |
Ticket To Ride New York ENG | 2 |
Ticket To Ride Rails & Sails ENG | 2 |
Timeline Classic Blister | 3 |
Timeline Events Blister | 3 |
Timeline Inventions Blister | 6 |
Tokaido | 1 |
Tokaido Crossroads | 1 |
Tourn. Kit AGoT 2018 S4 | 1 |
Tourn. Kit SW Destiny 2018 S4 | 1 |
Treasure Island | 1 |
Tsuro | 4 |
Twilight Imperium 4th Ed | 1 |
Unlock | 3 |
Unlock 2 | 3 |
Unlock 3 | 3 |
Unlock 5! Heroic Adventures | 6 |
Unstable Unicorns | 2 |
Vikings Gone Wild The Board Game | 2 |
Welcome To | 8 |
Welcome to the Dungeon | 6 |
Werewords Deluxe | 4 |
Whitehall Mystery | 1 |
YGO Arena of Lost Souls Booster | 36 |
YGO Attack from the Deep Booster | 36 |
YGO Cybernetic Horizon Spec. Ed. | 10 |
YGO Dark Neostorm Special Edition | 20 |
YGO Duelist Saga Box | 5 |
YGO Infinity Chasers Booster | 24 |
YGO Legend. Duel. Sisters of Rose Booste | 36 |
YGO Order of Spellcasters Structure Deck | 8 |
YGO Soul Fusion Booster | 24 |
YGO Starter Deck Codebreaker | 8 |
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