21. marta pievedums
Ja vēlies atlikt vai pasūtīt kādu konkrētu spēli vai vēlies zināt, kad kaut kas konkrēts būs pieejams, tad raksti Sandai (sanda@brain-games.com).
Karstākie jaunumi:
Nosaukums | Daudzums |
Altiplano The Traveller Exp. | 1 |
Blue Moon City | 2 |
Carc 3 Princess & Dragon Scandi | 24 |
Chronicles Of Crime Noir | 6 |
Coma Ward Core Game | 2 |
D&D 5th DM Screen Hoard of Dragon Queen | 1 |
D&D 5th DM Screen Rage of Demons | 1 |
D&D 5th Ed. Dungeon Master's Guide (HC) | 6 |
D&D 5th Ed. Monster Manual | 2 |
D&D 5th Ed. Starter Set | 8 |
D&D 5th Spell Deck Arcane (253 cards) | 1 |
D&D 5th Spell Deck Bard (128 cards) | 1 |
D&D 5th Spell Deck Cleric (149 cards) | 1 |
D&D 5th Spell Deck Druid (131 cards) | 1 |
D&D 5th Spell Deck Martial Power & Races | 1 |
D&D 5th Spell Deck Paladin (69 cards) | 1 |
D&D 5th Spell Deck Ranger (46 cards) | 1 |
D&D Vault Of Dragons | 1 |
Dead of Winter A Crossroads Game | 6 |
Dead of Winter Long Night | 4 |
Deadpool vs The World | 2 |
Elder Dice Set Blue Astral Star | 1 |
Elder Dice Set D6 Blue Astral Star | 1 |
Elder Dice Set D6 Green Lovecraft | 1 |
Elder Dice Set D6 Red Cthulhu | 1 |
Elder Dice Set Green Lovecraft | 1 |
Harry Potter Contact Starter | 8 |
Harry Potter Hogwarts Battle | 2 |
KeyForge Call of the Archons | 6 |
KeyForge Call of the Archons Deck | 36 |
Onitama | 10 |
Pathfinder Player's Guide Adv Pocket Ed. | 1 |
Pathfinder Player's Guide Advanced | 1 |
Poke Articuno/Zapdos/Moltres Coll. 3 | 2 |
Poke Box CF Det Pikachu GX | 12 |
Puzzle Batman Gotham City | 1 |
Puzzle Game of Thr Dragon Egg Set | 1 |
Reykholt | 4 |
Roll Player | 4 |
Sagrada | 18 |
Sagrada Player Exp. | 5 |
Santorini | 6 |
Scythe | 8 |
Scythe Invaders from Afar Exp | 2 |
Scythe Invaders from Afar Exp | 6 |
Scythe Rise of Fenris | 6 |
Scythe The Wind Gambit | 4 |
Sequence Cats | 6 |
Sequence Deluxe | 6 |
Sequence Dogs | 6 |
Settlers Rivals for Catan Deluxe | 2 |
Star Wars F&D GM Kit | 1 |
Star Wars RPG EOE RPG Dice | 2 |
Superfight 500 Card Core Set | 12 |
Terraforming Mars | 5 |
Terraforming Mars Hellas & Elysium | 6 |
Terraforming Mars Prelude | 6 |
Terraforming Mars Venus Next | 7 |
Wing It The Game of Extreme Storytelling | 2 |
YGO Extreme Force Booster | 24 |
YGO Hidden Summoners Booster | 24 |
YGO Legendary Collection 2 Gameboard Ed. | 2 |
YGO Legendary Hero Decks | 2 |
YGO Powercode Link Structure Deck | 8 |
YGO Savage Strike Special Edition | 20 |
YGO Wave Of Light Structure Deck | 8 |
YGO Zombie Horde Structure Deck | 8 |
Spēļu plaukti papildināti arī ar šādām spēlēm:
Nosaukums | Daudzums |
7 Wonders Duel | 18 |
7 Wonders Duel Pantheon Exp Nordic | 6 |
7 Wonders ENG-BG | 6 |
7 Wonders Nordic | 18 |
Age of Conan Adventure in Hyboria | 1 |
AH Card CG Circle Undone Deluxe Exp. | 6 |
AH Card CG Labyrinths of Lunacy | 4 |
Album Poke Ultra Ball 2" | 2 |
Alchemists | 2 |
Arboretum | 4 |
Arcadia Quest | 1 |
Arcadia Quest Inferno | 1 |
Ascension Dreamscape | 2 |
Bears vs Babies Core Deck | 1 |
Betrayal at Baldurs Gate | 1 |
Betrayal at House Widow's Walk | 3 |
Betrayal Legacy | 4 |
Between Two Castles of Mad King Ludwig | 2 |
Binder PRO 9-P Poke Ultra Ball | 2 |
Bloody Inn | 1 |
Bohnanza ENG | 2 |
Bullet Dice | 4 |
Bunny Kingdom | 1 |
Bunny Kingdom | 1 |
Carc 10 Circus Scandi | 12 |
Carc 5 Abbey & Mayor Scandi | 12 |
Carc 9 Hills & Sheep Scandi | 12 |
Carcassonne #3 Princess & Dragon ENG NEW | 5 |
Catan AGOT Brotherhood of the Watch | 1 |
Century Spice Road | 3 |
Citadels Citadels Classic ENG | 6 |
Cities of Splendor Nordic-ENG | 1 |
Clank! | 5 |
Clank! Gold And Silk! | 2 |
Clank! In! Space! | 1 |
Clank! In! Space! Apocalypse! | 2 |
Clank! Mummy's Curse | 1 |
Clue Game of Thrones | 2 |
CoC RPG Call of Cthu 7th Ed. Quick-Start | 2 |
Crabs Adjust Humidity Omniclaw Ed. | 2 |
Crypt | 2 |
D&D 5th Ed. Character Sheets | 2 |
D&D 5th Ed. Curse of The Strahd | 1 |
D&D 5th Ed. Guildmst.Gd. to Ravnica | 1 |
D&D 5th Ed. Mordenk.Tome Of Foes Alt. | 1 |
D&D 5th Ed. Princes of the Apocalypse | 1 |
D&D 5th Ed. Rise of Tiamat (HC) | 2 |
D&D 5th Ed. Storm King's Thunder | 1 |
D&D 5th Ed. Volo's Guide to Monster | 1 |
D&D 5th Ed. Waterdeep Dragon Heist Book | 1 |
D&D 5th Waterdeep Mad Mage | 1 |
D&D Reincarnated City Tiles | 1 |
D&D Reincarnated Wilderness Tiles | 1 |
D&D Tactical Maps Reincarnated | 4 |
D&D Temple of Elemental Evil Board Game | 2 |
Deck Pro Poke Ultra Ball | 2 |
Decrypto ENG | 6 |
Dice Set Heavy Metal D20 Bumblebee (2) | 1 |
Dice Set Heavy Metal D20 Grenadine (2) | 1 |
Dice Shadowrun Blue/Red | 2 |
Dice Shadowrun Red / Blue | 2 |
Dominant Species | 2 |
Dominion 2nd Ed. | 9 |
Dungeon Roll | 1 |
Elder Sign Gates of Arkham Exp. | 2 |
Elder Sign Unseen Forces Exp. | 2 |
Epic Spell Panic at the Pleasure Palace | 1 |
Epic Spellwars oBW duel at Skullzfyre | 1 |
Ethnos | 1 |
Exploding Kittens 1st Ed. (MEOW) | 4 |
Exploding Kittens NSFW Ed. | 12 |
Exploding Kittens Party Pack Game | 4 |
Exploding Kittens Streaking Kittens ENG | 12 |
Fallout New California | 2 |
Fallout WW Two Player Starter | 2 |
Five Tribes ENG | 2 |
Fluxx Fairy Tale | 4 |
Fluxx Star | 1 |
Fluxx Stoner Fluxx | 2 |
Fog Of Love | 3 |
Fog Of Love It Will Never Last Exp. | 1 |
Fog Of Love Paranormal Romance Exp. | 1 |
Formula D | 1 |
Friday | 1 |
Fury of Dracula 4th Ed. | 2 |
Game of Thr HBO Iron Throne | 4 |
Gloom 2nd Ed. Unquiet Dead | 3 |
God Hates Charades | 3 |
Hero Realms Deckbuilding Game | 6 |
Hero Realms Dragon Boss Deck | 6 |
Hero Realms Lich Boss Deck | 6 |
Imperial Settlers Amazons | 2 |
Jaipur | 4 |
Jungle Speed Exp. ENG | 2 |
King of Tokyo Halloween New | 4 |
King of Tokyo MP #1 Cthulhu | 4 |
King of Tokyo MP #2 King Kong | 4 |
Lords Of Waterdeep Board Game | 2 |
Mafia de Cuba | 1 |
Magic Guilds of Rav Planeswalker Deck | 6 |
Magic Rav Allegiance Planeswalker Deck | 6 |
Martian Dice | 1 |
Marvel Legendary Spiderman Homecoming Sm | 1 |
Mascarade | 6 |
Megaland | 2 |
Monopoly Adventure Time | 1 |
Monopoly Fortnite | 2 |
Monopoly Game of Thr Coll (Square) | 2 |
Monopoly Rick & Morty | 2 |
Munchkin Foil Ed. | 2 |
Munchkin Star | 1 |
Munchkin Starfinder 2 Far Out | 4 |
Munchkin Super | 1 |
Onitama Way Of The Wind | 3 |
Orleans | 1 |
Pandemic Contagion | 2 |
Pandemic Legacy Blue Season 1 | 1 |
Pandemic Legacy Blue Season 1 | 1 |
Pandemic Legacy Red Season 1 | 2 |
Pandemic Legacy Yellow Season 2 | 1 |
Pathfinder Core Rulebook | 2 |
Playmat 24''x24'' Galaxy Series | 2 |
Playmat Artists Gallery Blue | 1 |
Playmat Artists Gallery Green | 1 |
Playmat Artists Gallery Red | 1 |
Portfolio 4-P Poke Ultra Ball | 2 |
Portfolio 4-P YGO Exalt. Drag w Foil | 2 |
Portfolio 4-P YGO Spiral Drag w Foil | 2 |
Resistance Avalon | 18 |
Resistance Coup | 2 |
Rick & Morty Pickle Rick Game | 2 |
Risk Game of Thrones Coll. Ed. | 1 |
Risk Game of Thrones Coll. Ed. | 1 |
Risk Vikings | 1 |
Robinson Crusoe Adv. On Cursed I 2nd Ed | 3 |
Rock Paper Wizard | 4 |
Sequence Numbers | 6 |
Shadowrun Core Rulebook 5th Ed. | 2 |
Shards Of Infinity Relics of the Future | 3 |
Sheriff of Nottingham | 9 |
Sheriff of Nottingham Merry Men | 2 |
Shipwrights of the North Sea | 1 |
Sleeves Chimera US 57,5x89 mm (100) | 12 |
Sleeves EURO 59x92 mm (100) | 12 |
Sleeves EURO Prem. 59x92 mm (50) | 12 |
Sleeves Mini Chimera US 43x65 mm [50] | 12 |
Sleeves Mini EURO 45x68 mm [50] | 12 |
Sleeves Mini USA 41x63 mm (50) | 12 |
Small World Underground | 3 |
Sonar Family | 6 |
Star Trek RPG Adventures Starter Set | 2 |
Star Wars IA Ezra Bridger & Kanan Jarrus | 2 |
Star Wars IA Twin Shadows Exp. | 1 |
Stuffed Fables | 2 |
SW RPG 30th Anniversary Ed. West End | 2 |
SW X-Wing Min Mill. Falcon Exp. | 1 |
SW X-Wing Min Slave I Exp. | 1 |
Terra Mystica | 1 |
Tichu | 2 |
Ticket To Ride Europa 1912 | 18 |
Ticket To Ride Germany | 4 |
Ticket To Ride Map Coll. #2 India-Switze | 4 |
Ticket To Ride Map Coll. #4 Nederland | 3 |
Ticket To Ride Map Coll. #5 UK/Pennsyl | 9 |
Ticket To Ride New York ENG | 2 |
Ticket To Ride Rails & Sails ENG | 1 |
Ticket To Ride USA ENG | 1 |
Ticket To Ride USA Nordic | 6 |
Tides of Madness | 1 |
Ultimate Werewolf One Night | 2 |
Unlock 4! Exotic Adventures | 3 |
Unstable Unicorns | 8 |
Unstable Unicorns Dragons exp. | 2 |
Xcom Board Game | 1 |
YGO Codebreaker Starter Deck | 2 |
YGO Tin Mega 2018 | 4 |
Zombicide | 2 |
Zombie Dice Horde Edition | 3 |
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